- No. 201: 2024 Total Cost Projection of Next AP1000; Koroush Shirvan (July 2024)
- No. 200: Consequence-Based Security of a Sodium-Cooled Thermal Microreactor (SGTR); Jérémy Mangin, Amaury Le Person, Koroush Shirvan, Jeong Ik Lee, Andrew Whittaker, and Neil Todreas (April 2024)
- No. 199: Feasibility Study of Decentralized Hydrogen Production Using Nuclear Batteries; Emile Germonpre and Jacopo Buongiorno (January 2024)
- No. 197: A Cybersecurity Framework for Nuclear Microreactors; Matthew Chew and Jacopo Buongiorno (June 2023)
- No. 194: Capital Cost Evaluation of Advanced Water-Cooled Reactor Designs With Consideration of Uncertainty and Risk; W. Robb Stewart and Koroush Shirvan (June 2022)
- No. 193: Overnight Capital Cost of the Next AP1000; Koroush Shirvan (March 2022)
- No. 192: The Value of Nuclear Microreactors in Providing Heat and Electricity to Alaskan Communities; Ruaridh Macdonald and John Parsons (October 2021)
- No. 191: The Value of Nuclear Microreactors in Providing Heat and Electricity to Alaskan Communities; J. Buongiorno (January 2021)
- No. 190: Markets and Economic Requirements for Fission Batteries and Other Nuclear Systems; J. Buongiorno (January 2021)
- No. 189: An Economic Evaluation of Micro-Reactors for the State of Washington (November 202o)
- No. 188: Separating Nuclear Reactors from the Power Block with Heat Storage: A New Power Plant Design Paradigm; X. Zhao, M. Golay (July 2020)
- No. 187: Symptom-Based Conditional Failure Probability Estimation for Selected Structures, Systems, and Components: Minor Milestone Report: Project on Design of Risk- Informed Autonomous Operation for Advanced Reactors; J. Buongiorno, K. Shirvan, E. Baglietto, C. Forsberg, M. Driscoll, H. Einstein, I. Macdonald, W. R. Stewart, E. Velez-Lopez, K. Johnston and G. Hashimoto (April 2020)
- No. 187: Japan’s Next Nuclear Energy System (JNext) (April 2020)
- No. 188: Japan’s Next Nuclear Energy System (JNext); Y. Cai, and M. W. Golay (September 2019)
- No. 185: A Framework for Analyzing Nuclear Power Multiunit Accident Scenarios and Providing Accident Mitigation and Site Improvement Suggestions; C. Forsberg (September 2019)
- No. 184: Heat Storage Coupled to Generation IV Reactors for Variable Electricity from Base-load Reactors: Changing Markets, Technology, Nuclear-Renewables Integration and Synergisms with Solar Thermal Power Systems; C. Forsberg, K. Dawson, N. Sepulveda, M. Corradini (October 2021)
- No. 183: Implications of Carbon Constraints on (1) the Electricity Generation Mix For the United States, China, France and United Kingdom and (2) Future Nuclear System Requirements; C. Forsberg (January 2019)
- No. 182: Fluoride-Salt-Cooled High-Temperature Reactor (FHR) Temperature Control Options: Removing Decay Heat and Avoiding Salt Freezing; J. Buongiorno, N. Sepulveda, L. T. Rush (November 2018)
- No. 182: WP-Potential Applications of the Modern Nuclear Fuel Cycle to (South) Australia; J. Buongiorno, N. Sepulveda, L. T. Rush (November 2018)
- No. 181: WP-Potential Applications of the Modern Nuclear Fuel Cycle to (South) Australia; C. Forsberg and P. Sabharwall (September 2018)
- No. 180: Heat Storage Options for Sodium, Salt and Helium Cooled Reactors to Enable Variable Electricity to the Grid and Heat to Industry with Base-Load Operations; C. Forsberg, F. Peterson, K. Sridharan, L.-W. Hu, M. Fratoni, A. K. Prinja (October 2018)
- No. 180: Integrated FHR Technology Development: Tritium Management, Materials Testing, Salt Chemistry Control, Thermal Hydraulics and Neutronics, Associated Benchmarking and Commercial Basis; C.W. Forsberg (MIT), F. Peterson, (UCB), K. Sridharan (UW), L.-W. Hu (MIT), M. Fratoni (UCB), A. K. Prinja (UNM) (October 2018)
- No. 177: Integrated FHR Technology Development Final Report: Tritium Management, Materials Testing, Salt Chemistry Control, Thermal Hydraulics and Neutronics with Associated Benchmarking; S. T. Lam, C. W. Forsberg, R. R. Ballinger (August 2018)
- No. 176: Understanding Hydrogen/Tritium Behavior on Carbon to Predict and Control Tritium in Salt Reactors: Experiments, Modeling and Simulation; J. Conway, N. Todreas, J. Halsema, C. Guryan, A. Birch, T. Isdanavich, J. Florek, J. Buongiorno, M. Golay (August 2018)
- No. 175: Security and the Offshore Nuclear Plant (ONP): Security Simulation Testing and Analysis of the Multi-Layer Security System; P. A. Champlin, D. Petti , J. Buongiorno (July 2018)
- No. 174: Techno-Economic Evaluation of Cross-Cutting Technologies for Cost Reduction in Nuclear Power Plants; L. T. Rush, D. Petti, J. Buongiorno (July 2018)
- No. 172: Critical Assessment of Techniques, Markets and Overall Economics of Generation III+ and IV Reactors; Locatelli, G. (January 2018)
- No. 171: WHY ARE MEGAPROJECTS, INCLUDING NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS, DELIVERED OVERBUDGET AND LATE? REASONS AND REMEDIES; C. Forsberg, R. Lester, N. Sepulveda, and G. Haratyk,(MIT) A. Omoto and T. Taniguchi, (TIT); R. Komiyama and Y. Fujii (Univ. of Tokyo); K. Matsui (IAE); X. L. Yan (JAEA); T. Shibata and T. Murakami (IEEJ) (September 2017)
- No. 170: MIT-Japan Study: Future of Nuclear Power in a Low- Carbon World: The Need for Dispatchable Energy; C. Forsberg, J. Parsons, G. Haratyk, J. Jenkins, N. McLauchlan, R. Lester, D. Curtis (MIT), J. Wooten, C. Stansbury, J. Gasper, S. Brick, R. Varrin, E. Schneider, N. Mann, M. Doster, Y. Ding, H. Bindra, T. Buscheck, T. Krall, A. Sowder, J. Jurewicz (July 2017)
- No. 168: Light Water Reactor Heat Storage for Peak Power and Increased Revenue: Focused Workshop on Near-Term Options; G. N. Genzman, N. Todreas, R. Abeyaratne, and M. Dahleh (September 2016)
- No. 167: Ship Collision and the Offshore Floating Nuclear Plant (OFNP): Analysis of Possible Threats and Security Measures; K. Shirvan, G. Daines, K. P. So, A. Mieloszyk, Y. Sukjai, and Ju Li (August 2016)
- No. 166: Silicon Carbide Performance as Cladding for Advanced Uranium and Thorium Fuels for Light Water Reactors; C. W. Forsberg, S. Lam, D. M. Carpenter, D. G. Whyte, R. Scarlat, C. Contescu, L. Wei, J. Stempien, and E. Blandford (May 2016)
- No. 165: TRITIUM CONTROL and CAPTURE in SALT-COOLED FISSION AND FUSION REACTORS: STATUS, CHALLENGES, and PATH FORWARD; C. Forsberg, D. Carpenter, D. Whyte, R. Scarlat and L. Wei (January 2016)
- No. 164: TRITIUM CONTROL and CAPTURE in SALT-COOLED FISSION AND FUSION REACTORS: EXPERIENTS, MODELS, and BENCHMARKING; J. Zhang, J. Buongiorno, M. Golay, and N. Todreas (November 2015)
- No. 160: Safety Analysis of OFNP-300 and OFNP-1100 [for design basis events; J. Jurewicz, J. Buongiorno, M.W. Golay, N.E. Todreas (June 2015)
- No. 159: Design and Construction of an Offshore Floating Nuclear Power Plant; M. Strother, J. Buongiorno, M. W. Golay and N. E. Todreas (November 2015)
- No. 158: Hydrodynamic Analysis of the Offshore Floating Nuclear Power Plant; J. DeWitte, N.E. Todreas, R. Ballinger (January 2015)
- No. 156: Maximizing Nuclear Power Plant Performance via Mega-Uprates andSubsequent License Renewal; N. T. Nguyen and N. E. Todreas (June 2014)
- No. 155: An Inverted Pressurized Water Reactor Design With Twisted-Tape Swirl Promoters; K. Shirvan, R. G. Ballinger, J. Buongiorno, C. Forsberg, M. S. Kazimi, N. E. Todreas (April 2014)
- No. 151: Advanced Offshore Seabed Reactors; M.J. Minck, C. Forsberg (January 2014)
- No. 150: Preventing Fuel Failure for a Beyond Design Basis Accident in a Fluoride Salt Cooled High Temperature Reactor; Y-H. Lee, T. McKrel, M.S. Kazimi (January 2014)
- No. 107: Safety of Light Water Reactor Fuel with Silicon Carbide Cladding; P. Yarsky, M.J. Driscoll, P. Hejzlar (September 2005)
- No. 106: Integrated Design of a Breed and Burn Gas-cooled Fast Reactor Core; G. Jourdan, M. W.Golay (December 2004)
- No. 105: Using Risk-Based Regulations for Licensing Nuclear Power Plants: Case Study of the Gas-cooled Fast Reactor; J. Zhao, P. Saha, M.S.Kazimi (October 2004)
- No. 104: Analysis of Flow Instabilities in Supercritical Water-Cooled Nuclear Reactors; M.A. Pope, M. J.Driscoll, P.Hejzlar (September 2004)
- No. 103: Reactor Physics Design of Supercritical CO2-Cooled Fast Reactors; K.Gezelius, M.J.Driscoll, P. Hejzlar (May 2004)
- No. 102: Design of Compact Intermediate Heat Exchangers for Gas Cooled Fast Reactors; T. Zhai, A. Kadak, H.C. No (March 2004)
- No. 89: LOCA and Air Ingress Accident Analysis of a Pebble Bed Reactor; J.E.Withee, M.W.Golay (August 2002)
- No 80: Deterministic Causality Analysis of the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor for Use with Risk-Based Safety Regulation; R.G.Ballinger, J.Y.Lim, M.S.Kazimi (July 2001)
- No. 76: A Review of US Research Activities on Material Compatibility Issues in Nuclear Systems Using Heavy Liquid-Metal Coolant and Needs for Improved Materials; D. Kim, N.E.Todreas, M.S.Kazimi, M.J.Driscoll (November 2000)
- No. 75: Plant Design and Cost Estimation of a Natural Circulation Lead-Bismuth Reactor with Helium Power Conversion Cycle; A.C.Kadak, R.G. Ballinger et al. (July 2000)
- No. 23: Modular Pebble Bed Reactor Project: Second Annual Report; P. Hejzlar, N.E. Todreas, M.J.Driscoll (June 1994)
- No. 22: Conceptual Design of a Large, Passive Pressure-Tube Light Water Reactor; M.G.Arno, M.W.Golay (June 1994)
- No. 21: Verification and Validation of Safety Related Software; P. Hejzlar, N.E.Todreas, M.J. Driscoll (May 1994)
- No. 20: Special Computer Codes and Supplementary Data for the Conceptual Design of a Large, Passive, Pressure-tube LWR; A.R. Patel, N.E.Todreas, M.J.Driscoll (January 1994)
- No. 19: Integrated Containment/Hyperbolic Cooling Tower System; K.E.Poorman, M.W.Golay, D.D.Lanning (February 1994)
- No. 18: On the Complete Testing of Simple, Safety-Related Software; H.Khan, M.J.Driscoll (September 1993)
- No. 17: An Evaluation of Passive Spray Cooling for Nuclear Reactor Containments; P. Hejzlar, N.E. Todreas, M.J.Driscoll (November 1993)
- No. 16: Evaluation of Materials for the Pressure Tube Matrix of a Passive LWR Concept; P.Hejzlar, N.E.Todreas, M.J.Driscoll, B. Mattingly (May 1993)
- No. 15: Conceptual Design of a Water Cooled Reactor with Passive Decay Heat Removal, DOE Progress Report; C.H.Kang, M.S.Kazimi (March 1993)
- No. 14: Transmutation Effects on Transuranic Waste Inventory and Its Repository Risk; A. Schneider, D. Freed (June 1992)
- No. 13: Integral Fast Reactor-Related Research‚ Subtask 1C: Analysis of IFR Demonstration Program, Final Report; J.R.Tang, N.E.Todreas, M.J.Driscoll (August 1992)
- No. 12: Conceptual Design of the Passive Light Water Cooled and Moderated Pressure Tube Reactor (PLPTR); N.S. Qureshi, M.W. Golay (May 1992)
- No. 11: ORNL/MIT Technical Support Tasks for USDOE/MITNE Integral Fast Reactor Program: Task 2, Environmental Impact Assessment; N.S. Qureshi, M.W. Golay (May 1992)
- No 10: A Sensitivity Analysis of the Role of Human Actions for the Loss of Offsite Power Scenario; M.Siddique, M.W.Golay, M.S.Kazimi (March 1992)
- No 9: The Effects of Noncondensable Gases on Steam Condensation under Turbulent Natural Convection Conditions; J.R.Tang, M.J.Driscoll, N.E.Todreas (November 1991)
- No 8: Physics Considerations in a Passive Light Water Pressure Tube Reactor (PLPTR); J.R. Tang, N.E.Todreas, M.J.Driscoll (September 1991)
- No. 7: Concepts for a Pressure Tube Light Water Reactor with Passive Safety Features; W.R.Hollaway, L.M. Lidsky (August 1991)
- No. 6: The Combined Hybrid System‚ A Symbiotic Thermal Reactor/Fast Reactor System for Power Generation and Radioactive Waste Toxicity Reduction; A.A.Dehbi, M.W. Golay, M.S.Kazimi (August 1991)
- No. 5: Passive Containment Cooling for a 900 MWe Reactor; J.C.Han, M.J. Driscoll, N.E.Todreas (September 1989)
- No. 4: The Effective Thermal Conductivity of Prismatic MHTGR Fuel; A.A. Dehbi, M.W. Golay, M.S. Kazimi (June 1991)
- No. 3: The Effects of Non-Condensable Gases on Steam Condensation under Turbulent Natural Convection Conditions; P. Hejzlar, N.E.Todreas, M.J.Driscoll (May 1991)
- No. 2: Passive Decay Heat Removal in Advanced Reactor Concepts; M.G. Houts, D.D. Lanning (January 1991)
- No. 1: Out-of-Core Thermionic Space Nuclear Reactors: Design and Control Considerations; W.R.Hollaway, L.M. Lidsky, M.M. Miller (December 1990)
- No. 36: A. Williams, and M. W. Golay (March 2016)
- No. 35: Stakeholder Engagement Strategy Development Framework for Socially Controversial Projects; A. Williams, and M.W. Golay (October 2016)
- No. 34: The Curious Case of the Marcellus Shale: PA vs. NY Fracking Case Study Summary; A. Williams, and M.W. Golay (October 2016)
- No. 33: Evaluating the ‘model’ for consent-based siting: Stakeholder Acceptance and the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant; A. Laws, P. Hale, and M.W. Golay (December 2015)
- No. 32: Models for Stakeholder Relationship Management at Socially Controversial Facilities; B.L. Guyer, and M.W. Golay (December 2014)
- No. 32: Nuclear Power Plant Performance Assessment Pertaining to Plant Aging in France and the United States; B.L. Guyer, and M.W. Golay (December 2014)
- No. 31: Nuclear Power Plant Performance Assessment Pertaining to Plant Aging in France and the United States; G. Apostolakis, M. Driscoll, M. Golay, A. Kadak, and N. Todreas, T. Aldemir and R. Denning, M. Lineberry (October 2011)
- No. 30: Investigation of Risk-Informed Methodologies to Improve Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Economics with Safety and Non-Proliferation Constraints; G. Apostolakis, M. Driscoll, M. Golay, A. Kadak, N. Todreas, T. Aldemir, R. Denning, and M. Lineberry (October 2011)
- No. 29: Investigation of Risk-‐Informed Methodologies to Improve Sodium-‐Cooled Fast Reactor Economics With Safety and Non-‐Proliferation Constraints; Cavalieri d’Oro, E., Golay, M. W. (September 2011)
- No. 28: A Unified Risk-‐informed Framework to Assess the Proliferation Risk and License the Proliferation Performance of Nuclear Energy Systems; B.C. Johnson, G.E. Apostolakis (October 2011)
- No. 27: Application of the Technology Neutral Framework to Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors; Lucas, T. R., and R. G. Ballinger (September 2011)
- No. 26: The Effect of Thermal Aging and Boiling Water Reactor Environment on Type 316L Stainless Steel Welds; Gibbs, J. P., R. G. Ballinger, and J. Jackson (September 2011)
- No. 25: Stress Corrosion Cracking and Crack Tip Characterization of Alloy X-750 in Light Water Reactor Environments; J. Buongiorno, R. Ballinger, M. Driscoll, B. Forget, C. Forsberg, M. Golay, M. Kazimi, N. Todreas, J. Yanch (May 2011)
- No. 25: Technical Lessons Learned from the Fukushima-Daichii Accident and Possible Corrective Actions for the Nuclear Industry: An Initial Evaluation; J. Buongiorno, R. Ballinger, M. Driscoll, B. Forget, C. Forsberg, M. Golay, M. Kazimi, N. Todreas, J. Yanch (May 2011)
- No. 24: Technical Lessons Learned from the Fukushima-Daichii Accident and Possible Corrective Actions for the Nuclear Industry: An Initial Evaluation; D.R. Langewisch and G. E. Apostolakis (January 2010)
- No. 23: Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis for Long-Running Computer Codes: A Critical Review; L. Debesse, G.E. Apostolakis, M.J. Driscoll (January 2007)
- No. 22: The Use of Frequency-Consequence Curves in Future Reactor Licensing; N.J. Haschka and N.E. Todreas (July 2006)
- No. 21: Improving Nuclear Power Plant Performance: An Assessment of the US Nuclear Fleet Outage Performance (1990-2005); B. Yildiz and M.W. Golay (April 2006)
- No. 20: Development of a Hybrid Intelligent System for On-line, Real-time Monitoring of Nuclear Power Plant Operations; B.D. Middleton and M.W. Golay (November 2005)
- No. 19: Use of Information Theory Techniques with System Dynamics Models; A.C. Kadak and T. Matsuo (August 2005)
- No. 18: The Nuclear Industry's Transition to Risk Informed Regulation and Operation in the United States; A.C. Kadak, Y. Sakuragi, M.A. Stawicki, K.F. Hansen (January 2004)
- No. 17: Quantitative Performance Comparison of Japanese and American Nuclear Power Industries; L.-W. Hu, J. Lee, P. Saha, M.S. Kazimi (December 2003)
- No. 16: Thermal Striping in LWR Piping Systems; G.E. Apostolakis, M.W. Golay, J.P. Koser, A. Knight, G. Sato, M.E. Silsdorf (November 2002)
- No. 15: Enhancing the Competitiveness of Nuclear Power Plants through Risk Informed Decision Making; D. Kim and M.W. Golay (November 2002)
- No. 14: Bayesian Belief Network (BBN)-Based Advisory System Development for Steam Generator Replacement Project Management; L-W. Hu, M.S. Kazimi, A Sonin (August 2002)
- No. 13: Thermal Striping in LWR Piping Systems Progress Report: September 2001 through August 2002; T. Bannai and M.W. Golay (August 2002)
- No. 12: Probabilistic Risk Analysis of Falsification Cases in the Japanese Nuclear Industry; M.E. Silsdorf and M.W. Golay (August 2002)
- No. 11: On the Use of Multi-Attribute Utility Theory to Quantify the Desirability of Hydraulic Control Unit Maintenance of a Boiling Water Reactor; S.M. Oggianu and K.F. Hansen (August 2002)
- No. 10: A System Dynamics Model of the Energy Policymaking Process; A.W. Sause, K.F. Hansen, and M.S. Kazimi (August 2001)
- No. 9: Modeling the Energy Policy Making Process as a Response to Social Concerns; S.M. Oggianu and K.F. Hansen (March 2002)
- No. 8: Modeling of Electric Energy Policymaking; S.M. Oggianu and K.F. Hansen (March 2002)
- No. 7: Modeling the Dynamic Complexity of the Energy Policymaking Process; L.W. Hu, K. Nagasawa, P. Hejzlar, M.S.Kazimi (August 20o1)
- No. 6: Thermal Striping in LWR Piping Systems; Y. Sui, M.W. Golay, and K.F. Hansen (September 2001)
- No. 5: Identification of Performance Indicators for Nuclear Power Plants; J.J. Kim, M.W. Golay, G.R. Toro, and O. Afolayan-Jejeloye (October 2001)
- No. 4: Analysis of Direct Seismic Risks and Its Effects on Existing Emergency Response Plans Near a Nuclear Power Station; M.R. Galvin and N.E. Todreas (October 2001)
- No. 3: Maintenance Cycle Extension in Advanced Light Water Design; B.C. Beer, G.E. Apostolakis, and M.W. Golay (February 2001)
- No. 2: Feasibility Investigations for Risk-Based Nuclear Safety Regulation; K. Marchinkowski, R.Weil, G.E. Apostolakis (April 2001)
- No. 1: CATILaC: Computer Aided Techniques for Identifying Latent Conditions; R. Weil and G.E. Apostolakis (June 2001)
- No. 99: Y-C K, L-W.Hu, M. S. Kazimi (January 2008)
- No. 97: Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of a Low Enrichment Uranium Core for the MIT Research Reactor; M. S.Kazimi, J. Buongiorno, T. Conboy, T.Ellis, P. Ferroni, P. Hejzlar, S-P. Kao, A. Karahan, T. McKrell, E. Pilat , N. Todreas (November 2007)
- No. 83: Core Design Options for High Power Density BWRs; T.H. Newton, M.S. Kazimi, E.Pilat, et al. (March 2006)
- No. 25: M. Busse, M.S.Kazimi (August 200o)
- No. 24: Thermal and Economic Analysis of Thorium-Based Seed-Blanket Fuel Cycles for Nuclear Power Plants; M.S. Kazimi, M. J. Driscoll, R.G. Ballinger, V.L. Curran, K.R. Czerwinski, Y. Long, H.C. No, S.M.Oggianu, X. Zhao (July 2000)
- No. 23: Advanced Fuel for High Burnup and Proliferation Resistance in Light Water Reactors: Annual Report; P.E. Owen, K.R. Czerwinski (June 2000)
- No. 22: Waste Characteristics of Spent Nuclear Fuel From a Pebble Bed Reactor; Y. Yuan, P. Monnier, C.S. Rim, M.S. Kazimi (September 2000)
- No. 21: Fission Gas Release for Thoria-Urania Fuels: A Preliminary Investigation; S.M.Oggianu, M.S.Kazimi (February 2000)
- No. 20: A Review of Properties of Advanced Nuclear Fuels; X.Zhao, D.Wang, Z. Xu, M.J. Driscoll, M.S.Kazimi (December 1999)
- No. 19: A Preliminary Analysis of the Effect of Seed and Blanket Heterogeneity on PWR Core Neutronics; D.Kim, M.S.Kazimi, N.E.Todreas, M.J. Driscoll (February 2000)
- No. 18: Economic Analysis of the Fuel Cycle of Actinide Burning Systems; M.S.Kazimi, M. J.Driscoll, R.G. Ballinger, et al. (July 1999)
- No. 17: Proliferation Resistant, Low Cost, Thoria-Urania Fuel for Light Water Reactors; T. Tatsuro, S.R. Connors, M.S. Kazimi (June 1999)
- No. 16: The Role of Nuclear Energy in Southeast Asia; M.S.Kazimi, K. R. Czerwinski, M.J. Driscoll, P. Hejzlar, J.E. Meyer (April 1999)
- No. 15: On the Use of Thorium in Light Water Reactors; P. Hejzlar, N.E.Todreas, M.J. Driscoll, Y. Long (October 1998)
- No. 14: Assessment of New Technologies for Selected Next Generation Light Water Reactors: Final Report; C.A.Bollman, M. J.Driscoll, M.S.Kazimi (June 1998)
- No 13: Environmental and Economic Performance of Direct Use of Spent PWR Fuel in CANDU Reactors; L. Garcia-Delgado, M. J.Driscoll, J.E.Meyer, N. E.Todreas (May 1998)
- No 12: Design of Economically Optimum PWR Reload Core for a 36-Month Cycle; C.S.Handwerk, M.J. Driscoll, N.E.Todreas (April 1998)
- No. 11: C.S.Handwerk, M.J. Driscoll, N.E.Todreas; L. Garcia-Delgado, N.E.Todreas (July 1998)
- No. 10: Improvement in Nuclear Plant Capacity Factors Through Longer Cycle Length Operation: Final Report; D.L.Brodeur, V.T.Angus, N.E.Todreas (July 1998)
- No. 9: Optimization of Nuclear Power Utility Performance; H.J. MacLean, M.V.McMahon, M.J.Driscoll (January 1998)
- No. 8: Uranium and Separative Work Utilization in Light Water Reactors; C.S.Handwerk, N.E.Todreas, J.E.Meyer, M.J. Driscoll (January 1998)
- No. 7: Fuel Performance Aspects of Extended Operating Cycles in Existing LWRs; C.S.Handwerk, M. J.Driscoll, N.E. Todreas, M.V. McMahon (January 1998)
- No. 6: Economic Analysis of Extended Operating Cycles in Existing LWRs; Sylvester, K.W. Budlong , S.A.Simonson, K.W.Wenzel, M.J. Driscoll (June 1997)
- No. 5: Weapons-Grade Plutonium Disposition: An Alternate Immobilization Strategy; K.W.Wenzel, M. J.Driscoll (September 1997)
- No. 4: Photonuclear Reaction for Simulated Radiation Damage in Nuclear Waste Forms; M.V. McMahon, C.S.Handwerk, H.J. MacLean, M.J. Driscoll, N.E.Todreas (July 1997)
- No. 2: Modeling and Design of Reload LWR Cores for an Ultra-Long Operating Cycle; F. Morosan, M.S. Kazimi (January 1997)
- No. 1: Multi-attribute Analysis of Alternatives for Hanford Tanks Remediation System; P. Chodak, M. J.Driscoll, M.M. Miller, N.E.Todreas (January 1997)
- No. 23: C. W. Forsberg, B. Dale, D. Jones and L. M. Wendt (October 2021)
- No. 23: Can a Nuclear Biofuels System Enable Liquid Biofuels as the Economic Low-carbon Replacement for All Liquid Fossil Fuels and Hydrocarbon Feedstocks and Enable Negative Carbon Emissions? Workshop Proceedings; C. W. Forsberg Massachusetts Institute of Technology, B. Dale Michigan State University (April 2022)
- No. 23 Appendix: Can a Nuclear-Assisted Biofuels System Enable Liquid Biofuels as the Economic Low-carbon Replacement for All Liquid Fossil Fuels and Hydrocarbon Feedstocks and Enable Negative Carbon Emissions?; C. W. Forsberg Massachusetts Institute of Technology, B. Dale Michigan State University (April 2022)
- No. 23 Appendix: Appendix: Can a Nuclear-Assisted Biofuels System Enable Liquid Biofuels as the Economic Low-carbon Replacement for All Liquid Fossil Fuels and Hydrocarbon Feedstocks and Enable Negative Carbon Emissions?; Forsberg, C. W., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, , Dale, B. Michigan State University (April 2022)
- No. 22: Can a Nuclear-Assisted Biofuels System Enable Liquid Biofuels as the Economic Low-carbon Replacement for All Liquid Fossil Fuels and Hydrocarbon Feedstocks and Enable Negative Carbon Emissions?; Paolo Minelli and M. Golay (February 2020)
- No. 20: Improved Methods for Managing Megaprojects; A. T. Bouma, Q. J. Wie, J. E. Parsons, J. Buongiorno, John H. Lienhard V (Jun3 2021)
- No. 20: Water for a Warming Climate: A Feasibility Study of Repurposing Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant for Desalination; A. T. Bouma, Q. J. Wie, J. E. Parsons, J. Buongiorno, J. H. Lienhard V (July 2021)
- No. 19: Water for a Warming Climate: A Feasibility Study of Repurposing Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant for Desalination; C. Forsberg (March 2021)
- No. 18: Molten-Salt Fusion Liquid-Immersion-Blanket Integrated Validation Plan; S. Luque, and M. W. Golay (June 2016)
- No. 17: Stakeholder Relationship Management in Controversial Projects: A Case Study of the Cape Wind Project using a Feedback Analysis Model; J.D. Stempien, H. Meteyer, M.S. Kazimi (July 2013)
- No. 16: Water Use in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle; M. Kulhanek, C. W. Forsberg, M. J. Driscoll (January 2012)
- No. 15: Nuclear Geothermal Heat Storage: Choosing the Geothermal Heat Transfer Fluid; C. W. Forsberg (September 2011)
- No. 14: Nuclear Energy for Variable Electricity and Liquid Fuels Production: Integrating Nuclear with Renewables, Fossil Fuels, and Biomass for a Low-Carbon World; LEE, Y-H. Lee, FORSBERG, C.W. (June 2o11)
- No. 13: Conceptual Design of Nuclear Geothermal Energy Storage Systems for Variable Electricity Production; Y-H. Lee and C. W. Forsberg (June 2011)
- No. 13: Conceptual Design of Nucelar Geothermal Energy Storage Systems for Variable Electricity Production; J. M. Galle-Bishop, M. J. Driscoll and C. W. Forsberg (June 2011)
- No. 12: Nuclear Tanker Producing Liquid Fuels from Air and Water: Applicable Technology for Land-Based Future Production of Commercial Liquid Fuels; G. Haratyk, C.W. Forsberg, M. J. Driscoll (June 2011)
- No. 11: Nuclear -Renewables Energy System for Hydrogen and Electricity Production; C. W. Forsberg, R. Krentz-Wee, Y. H. Lee and I. O. Oloyede (December 2010)
- No. 10: Nuclear Energy for Simultaneous Low-Carbon Heavy-Oil Recovery and Gigawatt-Year Heat Storage for Peak Electricity Production; C. W. Forsberg, and M. S. Kazimi (April 2009)
- No. 9: Nuclear Hydrogen Using High-Temperature Electrolysis and Light-Water Reactors for Peak Electricity Production; A.F. Bersak, A.C. Kadak (August 2007)
- No. 8: Integration of Nuclear Energy with Oil Sands Projects for Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Naturaly Gas Consumption; S. Ansolabehere (October 2021)
- No. 7: Public Attitudes Toward America’s Energy Options: Insights for Nuclear Energy; M.J. Memmott, M.J. Driscoll, M.S. Kazimi, P. Hejzlar (February 2007)
- No. 6: Hydrogen Production Steam Electrolysis Using a Super-critical CO₂-Cooled Fast Reactor; B.D. Middleton and M.S. Kazimi (April 2007)
- No. 5: An Alternative to Gasoline: Synthetic Fuels from Nuclear Hydrogen and Captured CO2; G. Becerra, E. Esparza, A. Finan, E. Helvenston, S. Hembrador, K. Hohnholt, T. Khan, D. Legault, M. Lyttle, K. Miu, C. Murray, N. Parmar, S. Sheppard, C. Sizer, E. Zakszewski, K. Zeller (December 2005)
- No. 4: Nuclear Technology and Canadian Oil Sands: Integration of Nuclear Power and in situ Oil Extraction; Y.H. Jeong, M.S. Kazimi, K.J. Hohnholt, and B. Yildiz (May 2005)
- No. 3: Optimization of the Hybrid Sulfur Cycle for Hydrogen Generation; Y.H. Jeong, P. Saha, and M.S. Kazimi (February 2005)
- No. 2: The Attributes of a Nuclear-Assisted Gas Turbine Power Cycle; B. Yildiz, K. Hohnholt, and M.S. Kazimi (December 2004)
- No. 1: Hydrogen Production Using High Temperature Steam Electrolysis and Gas Reactors with Supercritical CO2 Cycles; B. Yildiz and M.S. Kazimi (September 2003)
Nuclear Energy and Sustainability (NES)
Gas-Cooled Fast Reactors (GFR)
- No. 7: J. W.Plaue, K.R. Czerwinski, M.J.Driscoll (October 2023)
- No. 6: Evaluation of Uranium Carbide and Sulfide Fuels for a Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor Utilizing Dry Reprocessing; L. B. Fishkin, M. J.Driscoll (April 2004)
- No. 5: Use of the Prestressed Cast Iron Vessel in Nuclear Reactor Applications; P. Yarsky, M. J. Driscoll (May 2023)
- No. 4: Neutronic Evaluation of GFR Breed and Burn Fuels; K. Gezelius, V. Dostal, M.J. Driscoll, P. Hejzlar (May 2003)
- No. 3: Design of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger for the S-CO₂ Cycle and Laminar Flow in Microchannel Heat Exchangers; Y. Wang, M.J. Driscoll (June 2003)
- No. 2: Aerodynamic Design of Turbine for S-CO₂ Brayton Cycle; J. Eapen, M. J.Driscoll (December 2002)
- No 1: Analysis of a Natural Convection Loop for POST-LOCA GCFR Decay Heat Removal; S.THON, M. J. DRISCOLL (August 2002)
- No. 2: T. W. Arment, N.E. Todreas (October 2012)
- No. 1: Departure from Nucleate Boiling and Pressure Drop Prediction for Tubes Containing Multiple Short-Length Twisted-Tape Swirl Promoters; R. M. Sugrue, T. McKrell, J. Buongiorno (July 2012)
Advances in Nuclear Energy Disciplines (ANED)
Reactor Redesign Program (MRR)
- No. 3: A.Bushman, D.M.Carpenter, T.S.Ellis, S.P.Gallagher, M.D.Hershcovitch, M.C.Hine, E.D.Johnson, S.C.Kane, M.R.Presley, A.H.Roach, S.Shaik, M.P. Short, M.A.Stawicki (December 2004)
- No. 2: The Martian Surface Reactor: An Advanced Nuclear Power Station for Manned Extraterrestrial Exploration; P. Yarsky, A.C. Kadak, M. J. Driscoll (September 2004)
- No. 1: Design of a Sodium-cooled Epithermal Long-term Exploration Nuclear Engine; V. Dostal, K. Gezelius, J. Horng, J. Koser, J.P. IV, E. Shwageraus, P. Yarsky, A.C. Kadak (September 2004)