Report Date: November 2015
Appendices: No
The Offshore Floating Nuclear Plant (OFNP) concept combines two mature and successful technologies, i.e., LWRs and floating platforms of the type used in offshore oil/gas operations, each with an established and cost-effective global supply chain [1]. OFNP is a plant that can be entirely built within a floating platform in a shipyard, transported to the site, where it can be moored within a dozen miles off the coast, within territorial waters, and connected to the grid via submarine transmission cables. The OFNP can achieve excellent economics through plant simplification, modularity and shipyard construction and efficient decommissioning. Two OFNP designs are being developed in parallel, to be used in different markets: the OFNP-300 and OFNP-1100, designated according to their electric power rating. The OFNP-300 (Fig. 1) could be based on a class 300 MWe reactor, such as Westinghouse’s Small Modular Reactor (WSMR) [2-5]. Meanwhile, The OFNP-1100 (Fig. 2), based on 1100 MWe Advanced Passive PWR, AP1000, makes it possible to provide higher power output.
Program: ANP : Advanced Nuclear Power Program
Type: TR
RPT. No.: 164