Separating Nuclear Reactors from the Power Block with Heat Storage: A New Power Plant Design Paradigm

Part: Charles Forsberg (MIT), Piyush Sabharwall (INL) and Andrew Sowder(EPRI)
Report Date: November 2020
Appendices: No


The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) conducted a workshop on Separating Nuclear Reactors from the Power Block with Heat Storage: A New Power Plant Design Paradigm. The workshop was held as three webinars (July 29, August 12 and August 26, 2020). This proceedings includes this abstract, an executive summary, the main report and presentations.

There are two reasons to consider a new design paradigm. First, the market is changing with (1) the addition of variable wind and solar that results in highly volatile electricity prices and (2) the goal of a low-carbon economy that requires (a) economic dispatchable electricity that is now provided by natural gas turbines in the United States and (2) heat for industry and commerce. Second, nuclear plant requirements have changed in the last 50 years suggesting that a lower-cost plant layout may be to separate the nuclear island from the power block with a clear separation of the nuclear island with nuclear requirements and the power block built to industrial standards.

Figure A.1 shows on the left the existing design of nuclear power plants. The new design paradigm is on the right. The intermediate loop of the reactor transfers heat to storage. The technology proposed today for sodium, lead and salt-cooled reactors is to use a nitrate salt intermediate loop—the same salt used for heat storage in concentrated solar power (CSP) systems. The reactor takes cold salt from a cold-salt storage tank, heats the salt, and sends hot salt to a hot-salt storage tank. The power cycle takes hot salt, produces steam for the turbine generator and returns cold salt to the cold storage tank. The hot-salt tank also provides heat to industrial and other customers. There are alternative intermediate loop coolants and heat storage technologies.

Fig. A. 1. Current (left) and alternative design (right) of nuclear power systems.

Nuclear reactors with heat storage become a low-carbon replacement for gas turbines. The reactor is designed for average required energy demand over a period from hours up to a week. The peak electricity output is sized to provide assured generating capacity for the grid and may be two or three times the “base-load” output of the reactor. Electricity is sold at times of high prices that maximizes revenue. At times of very low-priced electricity, it can be bought and converted into stored heat to produce electricity at times of high prices. A low-cost backup combustion heater can heat the salt if storage is depleted for assured peak generating capacity. The fuel could be natural gas or low-carbon hydrogen or low-carbon biofuels. Storage enables nuclear cogeneration of variable heat and electricity with the only requirement that demand equal production over a period of days.

The new design has the potential to lower the cost of nuclear power plants. Only the nuclear plant is built to nuclear standards. Security is only associated with the nuclear block—not the entire plant. Decoupling nuclear heat generation via storage from the electricity grid eliminates all of the requirements imposed on the nuclear reactor by the grid. The power block is built to normal industrial standards. Several advanced reactors are being designed using this system design—including the TerraPower sodium-cooled Natrium® and Moltex molten salt reactor.

There are many heat storage technologies. The largest CSP heat-storage systems use tanks of hot and cold nitrate salt with sensible heat storage measured in gigawatt hours (GWhs). This is a commercial technology that is deployable today for nuclear systems. At the same time technologies are being developed that may lower heat storage costs by an order of magnitude that would provide large additional economic benefits.

The power cycles are sized and designed for the specific market with capital costs significantly below that of gas turbines. Adding heat storage and associated peak power systems increases power system resilience by adding massive storage to the system.

There are several economic effects. First, added revenue from selling most electricity at times of higher prices significantly exceeds that of added capital costs in some markets today. Second, the system design can lower the capital cost of the nuclear block. Last, the importance of the capital cost of the nuclear component of the total plant decreases relative to the traditional design of a nuclear power plant. In a traditional nuclear power plant, the reactor output matches the turbine-generator output. In this alternative design the turbine-generator output may be three times the reactor output. A larger fraction of the plant is associated with the power block since its output is several times that of the reactor. The power block uses conventional industrial (non-nuclear) systems.

The economic incentives to couple heat storage to nuclear plants have existed for less than a decade; thus, these systems are relatively new with significant potential to reduce costs and associated uncertainties. For nuclear systems, heat storage creates the potential for a cost-competitive nuclear plant as a replacement for the gas turbine in providing a low-carbon variable heat and electricity power system -- what the energy system needs. Last, there are incentives for cooperative programs with CSP and fossil systems that are also developing heat storage and power block technologies.

Program:     ANP : Advanced Nuclear Power Program

Type:     TR 

RPT. No.: 189