- Nuclear Energy in a Low Carbon Future NEC24
- NURETH-20 Fellow: American Nuclear Society Thermal Hydraulics Division
- Screening of Oliver Stone's Nuclear Now Movie
- ICAPP Best Paper Award - Three students of Professor Jacopo Buongiorno
- The John Clark Hardwick (1986) Career Development Professor, Koroush Shirvan received the Landis Young Member Engineering Award
- Visit by Tokyo Tech and the Japanese industry
- Daniel Stack former NSE student who founded Electrified Thermal Solutions
- Jiankai Yu Joines CANES
- Recipient of ANS Radiation Science and Technology Award (IRD)
- MIT News: Working to make nuclear energy more competitive by Poornima Apte
- ANS: Award Recipient Koroush Shirvan
- The Maritime Executive: Core Power, MIT Win Grant to Study Floating Nuclear Power Stations
- MIT News: Solving a Longstanding Conundrum in Heat Transfer by Poornima Apte
- MIT News: Eddie Glaude Jr: "We Must Run Toward Our Fears"
- National Academy of Engineering: National Academy of Engineering Elects 111 Members and 22 International Members
- MIT News: Electrochemistry, From Batteries to Brains With Bilge Yildiz
- The Economist: Will the Climate Crisis Force America to Reconsider Nuclear Power with Jacopo Buongiorno
- MIT News: Q&A Options for the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant with Jacopo Buongiorno
- New York Times: A Nuclear-Powered Shower? Russia Tests a Climate Innovation
- Wall Street Journal: Nuclear Power is the Best Climate-Change
- Blue Dot Living: What's So Bad About ... Nuclear Energy?
- MIT News: 3Q: Why "Nuclear Batters" Offer A New Approach to Carbon-Free Energy
- MIT News: A streamlined approach to determining thermal properties of crystalline solids and alloys
- MIT News: Design could enable longer lasting, more powerful lithium batteries
- MIT News: 2021 MacVicar Faculty Fellows named
- MIT News: Atomic design for a carbon-free planet
- MIT News: “Futurizing” undergraduate teaching
- MIT News: Zeroing in on decarbonization
- MIT News: A fix for foulants
- MIT News: Six MIT faculty elected 2020 AAAS Fellows
- MIT News: Jacopo Buongiorno named associate head of Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering
- MIT Energy Initiative: Q&A with Low-Carbon Energy Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems co-directors
- MIT Energy Initiative: MIT Energy Initiative awards nine Seed Fund grants for early-stage energy research
- MIT News: 3 Questions: Maria Zuber on MIT’s climate action plan
- MIT News: Novel gas-capture approach advances nuclear fuel management
- GRIDLOCKED: Why the 21st Century is broken and how to fix it
- Multiphase turbulence mechanisms identification from consistent analysis of direct numerical simulation data
- Advancing Radiative Heat Transfer Modeling in High-Temperature Liquid Salts
- MIT energy initiative study reports on the future of nuclear energy findings suggest new policy models
No Fuel, No Party Symposium
To throw a nuclear party, you need the right fuel. That message echoed throughout MIT's October symposium, where experts from across the nuclear energy landscape gathered to confront a rapidly evolving sector driven by technological advances, updated regulation, shifting geopolitics, and pressing questions about fuel supply.
Heat-Seeking Studies
Months of painstaking setup and delicate experimentation paid off recently for Artyom Kossolapov with a thrilling moment of discovery. It came while the nuclear science and engineering student was conducting research for his master's degree, as he observed a metallic device immersed in water.
A new design for nuclear plants built on floating platforms, modeled after those used for offshore oil drilling, could help avoid such consequences in the future. Such floating plants would be designed to be automatically cooled by the surrounding seawater
Mastering Fluid Flow and Bubble Boil
Etienne Demarly’s efforts in generating physically realistic computer simulations may soon enable current generation reactors to operate more efficiently.