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Report Date: February 2000
Appendices: No
The Actinide Burner Reactor (ABR) fuel cycle cost, one of the major components of total electricity cost, was estimated for a design developed by MIT using three cost models (an ORNL model, an FBR model and a Simple model). An analysis was also performed to examine the sensitivity of the fuel cycle cost to key factors affecting fuel cycle cost, specifically the unit cost of front end components of the fuel cycle and the reactor capacity factor (in effect fuel burnup). These calculations were based on the cost estimates of fuel reprocessing and manufacturing facilities from the most recent ATW report. An assumption is made that 10 ABRs will be serviced by the fuel facility, and that the fuel will be discharged at a burnup of 70 MWD/kg. A contingency allowance of 25% is made for facility costs. A nominal capacity factor of 80% was assumed.
The results show that the fuel cycle cost of the ABR is about 11 Mills/kWhe, much higher than that of existing LWR nuclear power plants of around 6 Mills/kWhe. The fuel cycle cost has small (< 14%) sensitivity to a ±15% variation in each of the following unit costs: LWR reprocessing, ABR reprocessing and ABR fuel fabrication. The variation of fuel cycle cost is found to be 3 Mills/kWhe for capacity factor variation from 70 to 95%. Therefore, means to reduce fuel cycle cost should be developed to improve the economic competitiveness of the ABR compared to other existing and developing electricity generation systems. This work suggests two possible ways to reduce the fuel cycle cost. One is scaling up the production capacity of the fuel facility, perhaps to service 15 ABRs. The second is increasing the discharge burnup, perhaps to 100 ~ 125 MWD/kg, which will cut the cost down proportionally.
Note that this report is restricted to the fuel cycle of the ABR. Future economic analysis will include the capital and O&M costs of the ABR and the feasibility of various approaches to fuel cycle cost reduction.
Program: NFC Nuclear Fuel Cycle Program
Type: TR
RPT. No.: 19