Design and Construction of an Offshore Floating Nuclear Power Plant

Request Report
Report Date: June 2015
Appendices: No


This thesis details the ongoing development of a new Offshore Floating Nuclear Plant (OFNP) concept that exhibits a promising potential for economic and rapid deployment on a global scale. The OFNP creatively combines state-of-the-art Light Water Reactors (LWRs) and floating platforms similar to those used in offshore oil and gas operations. A reliable and cost-effective global supply chain exists for both technologies, which enables a robust expansion in the use of nuclear energy on a time scale consistent with combating climate change in the near future. The OFNP is a plant that can be entirely built within a floating platform in a shipyard, transferred to the site, where it is anchored within 12 nautical miles (22 km) off the coast in relatively deep water (100 m), and connected to the grid via submarine AC transmission cables. Shipyard construction ensures a supply of qualified workers and facilities, and it brings mass-production-like construction efficiency to existing reactor designs. Eventual shipyard decommissioning allows sites to immediately return to a “green field” condition when the plant’s life is spent. The crews would operate in monthly or semi-monthly shifts with onboard living quarters, similar to oil and gas platforms. The OFNP is a nuclear plant specifically designed for the global market: it can be constructed in one country or multiple countries and exported internationally. It lends itself to a flexible and mobile electricity generation strategy, which minimizes the need for indigenous nuclear infrastructure in the host country and does not commit the customer to a 40 to 60 years-long project.

Program:     ANP : Advanced Nuclear Power Program

Type:     TR 

RPT. No.: 160