Presenters and panelists for the "Nuclear Everywhere?" Symposium offered videos from their institutions, which we assembled for display during the symposium. The symposium ran from March 28th to March 29th, 2023 on the MIT campus.
CANES Videos
Nuclear Everywhere?" Symposium
Mastering fluid flow and bubble boil
Etienne Demarly’s efforts in generating physically realistic computer simulations may soon enable current generation reactors to operate more efficiently.
Heat-seeking studies
Months of painstaking setup and delicate experimentation paid off recently for Artyom Kossolapov with a thrilling moment of discovery. It came while the nuclear science and engineering student was conducting research for his master's degree, as he observed a metallic device immersed in water. “As we increased power, bubbles emerged that formed a film coating the metal surface, trapping... Read More
Nuclear Energy: A New Beginning
The MIT Future of Nuclear Energy in a CarbonConstrained World study is the eighth in the MIT Energy Initiative’s “Future of” series, which aims to shed light on a range of complex and important issues involving energy and the environment. A central theme is understanding the role of technologies that might contribute at scale in meeting rapidly growing global energy... Read More
Floating nuclear plants could withstand earthquakes and tsunamis
A new design for nuclear plants built on floating platforms, modeled after those used for offshore oil drilling, could help avoid such consequences in the future. Such floating plants would be designed to be automatically cooled by the surrounding seawater in a worst-case scenario, which would... Read More